OASIS is designed to give the families of children who are learning remotely a safe, welcome refuge and place of refreshment in the midst of the pandemic. […]
What Is OASIS?

OASIS is designed to give the families of children who are learning remotely a safe, welcome refuge and place of refreshment in the midst of the pandemic. […]
Every local church has the potential to be a healthcare organization. As we take temperatures and set guidelines to keep our Churches healthy, we are caring for the health and safety of our communities. Let us help you expand that health ministry to include a drive through, or socially-distanced, flu shot clinic. […]
Read More… from Stay Healthy and Safe with a Flu Shot Clinic!
One of Third Avenue Baptist Church’s Pastors, and Job One spearhead, Ben Birkholz had this to say about his time working with Seed to Oaks and Job One’s initiative, “This partnership with Job One and Seed to Oaks has put much needed wind in my sails as a pastor amidst a difficult year in the 502 and truly is an encouragement for the entire church…Praying that you don’t grow weary in doing good”! […]
Read More… from Job Fairs Provide Encouragement for the Church, Community and Beyond
If your child participates in remote learning, you know the extra stress it can create for you and your kids. Here are some oldies but goodies when it comes to managing learning challenges. […]
We believe that when churches and workforce programs partner together, job readiness increases, unemployment ends and a community of volunteers become willing to walk alongside their neighbors. There are new churches every month joining the Job One Movement and so can you. Contact Nikki Walker, nwalker@seedtooaks.com […]
The “summer slump” is a real thing. Ask any teacher returning to school after summer break and they can tell you they expect to see at least a 20% learning loss from students. At-risk students fare even worse since they often don’t have the same opportunities to continue their learning over the summer as their better-advantaged peers. […]
Read More… from Moving Education Forward in a COVID-19 World
Social distancing has made reaching out to neighbors more challenging, but definitely not impossible. Read about one creative way churches are being equipped to provide for needy families in their communities. […]
Read More… from Churches Continue to Serve Amid COVID-19 by Providing Arts & Crafts Kits
Julie Cordray came on board at Seed to Oaks in February of 2020 to fill the role of Oaks Learning Manager. Read to find out why she’s so passionate about education and ministry and her challenge for churches to get on mission. […]
Read More… from Hear the Vision from Our Oaks Learning Manager
Because of Job One’s extensive business partnerships, a local employer gained a dedicated employee and a principled veteran gained a new lease on life. […]
Hard work is exactly what Ms. Sanders put into the Job One process, securing not just one but THREE employment offers with local Job One business partners. […]
Read More… from Second Chances and Three Job Offers: Smashing Employment Barriers