Street in urban city

We believe real and lasting change is within reach.

Local churches and businesses wish to stand up for justice and see their communities restored. We're here to help.

Seed to Oaks is a non-profit that brings real and lasting community change through a collaboration between local churches, businesses and civic agencies, filling the space between the three.

We help socially-driven pastors and professionals connect and mobilize their resources through guided social initiatives. These initiatives are proven, strategic and straight forward to implement; designed as a sustainable means for community change that is real and measurable.

Origin Story + Ambitions

Nathan Ivey, President & Founder headshot

Nathan Ivey
President & Founder

I dream of a world where every local church is restoring its community. This means every single person has the opportunity to hear the gospel and flourish with their God given potential.

I believe that powerful churches change everything; that Christians can improve just about anything, including healthcare, education, job access, and the way we help people living in poverty.

So, why aren't more churches renewing their neighborhoods? Because tackling deep social issues like education, economic empowerment, and healthcare require systems, structures and resources that are not available to most churches or pastors.

Now churches can. We've found a way to make neighborhood renewal possible by sorting out all the organizational, operational, and strategic problems keeping churches from being effective change agents in their neighborhoods.

The church is a treasure chest. We're simply opening that treasure chest to release Christians – doctors, businessmen and women, lawyers, teachers, etc. – to powerfully address and alleviate some of today’s most pressing social problems in the name of Jesus Christ. Join us and plant a movement of social good through the local church.

Nathan Ivey Signature

Who We Are

This one-page download highlights who we are and how Seed to Oaks works. It includes information about our programs and the benefits of your church or business involvement.

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View our Business Plan

Our FY2024 Business Plan will inform you with detailed information about our organizational structure, programs and services, Board of Directors, staff, budget, strategic plan and more.

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