Everyone knows that tutoring works. Small group or, better yet, one-on-one instruction has long been touted as one of the most effective ways to educate students. A recent article from the Brookings Institution, whose mission it is to research and find solutions to widespread societal problems, claims, “. . . tutoring ranks among the most widespread, versatile, and potentially transformative instruments within today’s educational toolkit.” Evidence shows tutoring is particularly effective for students who have fallen behind.
And many are falling behind.
With each day the pandemic keeps schools closed, countless students are falling through the cracks. The learning challenges caused by poverty and inequalities are compounded by NTI, which places even more demands on parents and keeps students without proper technology literally in the dark.
Some experts predict that students who suffer the greatest learning losses as a result of the pandemic may feel the effects for the rest of their lives. Add to that the $2800 per month the average American family spends on private tutoring services and it isn’t hard to see the overwhelming obstacles to educating the most vulnerable children in our communities.
That’s why Oaks Learning is working to develop Beyond Tutoring, an after school tutoring program designed for churches to implement in their neighborhood. Beyond Tutoring can give students academic and life skills support in a safe, nurturing environment at little to no cost for families. In addition to focusing on academic achievement, Beyond Tutoring helps volunteers build meaningful mentoring relationships with students and encourages churches to reach out to entire families. The need has never been greater.
In the midst of a national educational crisis, your church can stand on the front lines by offering quality tutoring services with a compassionate touch for students who otherwise may continue to flounder in school. As you meet needs and connect with your neighbors, your church will become more visible and trusted in the community, opening doors to gospel conversations and transformed lives.
The Oaks Learning staff is ready to help your church plan and implement its own Beyond Tutoring program with comprehensive training, user-friendly resources, and excellent curriculum. Contact Oaks Learning Manager Julie Cordray for a free conversation at https://seedtooaksappointments.as.me/OLstrategycall or jcordray@seedtooaks.com.