The Power of Generosity: A Biblical Perspective

Discover how generosity reflects God’s character, strengthens relationships, fuels gratitude, and reaps eternal rewards. Join us on a journey to cultivate a lifestyle of generosity, seek opportunities to make a difference, and share your testimony to inspire a ripple effect of kindness. Embrace generosity as a way of life and become an instrument of God’s grace in the world. #SeedToOaks #Generosity #ChristianLiving #FaithJourney #PracticalChristianApplications […]

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Spring is here and with it comes the beauty of change. As the grass becomes green, the flowers bloom and the trees come to life, God knew we would need the beauty of Spring to give us encouragement and a renewed spirit. Job One is ready to work alongside you and your church with renewed […]

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Does Job One Still Make a Difference?

It’s been one year since we’ve addressed the question, Does Job One make a difference amongst the bigger resource providers in our city? The answer is once again, yes! ~ we do make a difference! Because of the unique way Job One is supported, we are able to:  create a more personal experience  […]

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