Does Job One Still Make a Difference?

It’s been one year since we’ve addressed the question, Does Job One make a difference
amongst the bigger resource providers in our city? The answer is once again, yes! ~ we
do make a difference! Because of the unique way Job One is supported, we are able
 create a more personal experience
 provide more time to each job seeker
 have a friendly and comfortable atmosphere
 provide detailed assistance

Every month Job One joins many other service providers, community agencies,
churches and businesses to create better services for those that need
support when looking for a job. Whether it’s guidance, a job connection, a referral to
services or answers to questions – Job One exists to connect a person to a church and
to job training solutions.
By creating these partnerships and sharing our knowledge, we are providing
important workforce programs in our community and providing the best possible
outcome for a job seeker.

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