Job One assists people from all backgrounds, with different skill sets, and in varying stages of their lives. We have helped many individuals that have either once retired and are in need of assistance with reentering the job market. Other times we see them through a change of career or passion that they have had for most of their lives.
Dina Flemister falls in with the latter, serving as a long-term volunteer for one of Job One’s newest church partners, Cable Baptist Church. Serving as an employer in many different capacities at Enterprise Holdings for over 20 years, Dina came to us looking for a push in a new direction and an update to her resume and interview skills to be successful in a job market that she had not encountered since 1998. Dina instantly struck Job One with her personable demeanor and devotion to Cable Baptist as a Youth Director, Media Coordinator, Newsletter Coordinator, and Food Drive Coordinator. Despite her impressive list of experiences and community volunteerism, Dina is currently seeking further education and training after putting her own development on the back burner as a mother caring for her family. Now that her children are grown, she hopes to develop further professional skills with the help of Job One.
After working with Dina for a few weeks, Job One helped her revamp her resume to show her extensive experience and valuable skills. We will continue to support Dina through whatever goals she sets next, and are grateful for the chance to work with those with a passion for both the church and their community, and grateful to Cable Baptist for their support as well. Job One is happy that Dina is taking the opportunity to put herself first!